Define District (Root Organization) Membership preferences

In the District view, define membership preferences – such as if you count entry and withdrawal days as member days, and the reference tables to use for entry codes.

To define district membership preferences:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select District > Setup.
  3. Under the Setup side-tab, click Preferences. The general preferences page appears.
  4. Click the Category drop-down to select Membership. The Membership preferences page defaults to the Basic sub-tab.
  5. Membership preferences, Basic sub-tab

  1. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field


    Student Registration

    Note: When a user attempts to register a student and enters a name and date of birth in the Student Registration wizard, Aspen searches the database for matches. The matches appear in a Student pick list for the user to review. The following fields affect the display of student matches.

    Fields for student registration search matching

    To help prevent duplicate student records when registering a new or cross-enrolled student, specify the fields that appear:

    DOB matching window (+/-45)

    If you select this checkbox, the Student pick list will display students whose names match and whose birth dates are within 45 days of the birth date entered.

    Student registration restrictions

    The value in this field applies to returning students in your district. Type one or more withdrawal reasons that would prevent a user from re-registering a returning student into the district.

    For example, if you do not want a student who was expelled to be re-registered, type Expelled here. When a user tries registering the student, an error message appears.

    Error message pop-up

    You can set a user role, usually the Enrollment Manager, to override this restriction in the user role details.

    See Re-register a Returning Student.

    Use strict search

    If you select this checkbox, the Student pick list will only show exact matches to the fields specified at Fields for strict search in the Student Registration wizard.

    Fields for strict search

    Specify the fields that are required to match an existing student record when registering a student or creating a secondary school association.

    Fields to display on registration matches

    Click Search icon. to select the fields you want users to see if Aspen finds a match when they register a student. In the Student Registration wizard, a Student pick list shows the matching student’s name(s), and the fields selected here.

    Fields for student transfer search matching

    Specify the fields which appear in the Student pick list when transferring a student.

    Enable grid codes

    Select this checkbox to enable the grid codesClosed ranges of addresses within a city, town, or county feature. Your district creates grid codes to represent neighborhoods, and uses them to enroll students in schools associated with their neighborhoods. Enabling grid codes restricts school pick lists when enrolling and transferring students.

    Entry codes

    Click Search icon. to select the reference table you want users to reference when selecting values at this field.

    Entry reasons

    Click Search icon. to select the reference table you want users to reference when selecting values at this field.

    Holding school option

    Click Search icon. to see the School pick list. Select the school that serves as a "holding" school for students who will cross-enroll into schools in your district, but whose primary schools do not use Aspen.

    Continuing education enrollment school

    This field pertains to districts that use Aspen's Continuing Education feature. Click Search icon. to see the School pick list. Select the school that serves as a "holding" school for users who sign up for a Continuing Education course but do not have a:

    • Primary school association (for example, they are not students in the district)

    • Status of Active or Active - No Primary.

    When a student submits the Continuing Education class registration, Aspen will enroll them into the Continuing Education enrollment school as an Active student.

    Student transfer initiation

    Select one of the following to determine your district’s method for transferring students within your district:

    • Select Push to indicate that the school a student transfers out of must push the student’s record to the new school. The push automatically happens when the school performs the transfer.
    • Select Pull to indicate that the school a student transfers into must pull the student’s record from the former school.

    If you select Pull, the school a student transfers out of must indicate the new school can pull that student. To select a student, the school the student is leaving must select the Transfer pending checkbox, and select the student’s new school at the Transfer School Name field on the student’s detail page. Then, when the student’s new school clicks Transfer Student on the Options menu, that student’s name appears.

    Note: Districts use this option to determine which school is responsible for a student’s attendance around the time he or she transfers.

    • Select Pull Unrestricted to indicate that a school can pull any student from another school in the district to a school; the school the student is leaving does not have to select his or her Transfer pending checkbox.
    • Select Schedule to allow the sending school to schedule a transfer for a primary active student on a specific future date. A user at the sending school enters the student's receiving school, transfer date, and other information in the Student Transfer wizard. The Future Transfer procedure reviews the information and automatically transfers students from the sending school to the receiving school. This eliminates the need for a school user to manually pull the student into the receiving school. The student becomes Active at the receiving school on the transfer date.
      Note: The receiving school can edit some data for future transfer students with the Editable data for transfer students field.
    Pull students by ID only When the Student transfer initiation preference is set to Pull Unrestricted, this field appears next to the drop-down. When this checkbox is selected, users must enter a student's ID at the Local ID field when transferring a student (Student > Options > Registration > Transfer Student). Users cannot type a student's name, or select a student from a pick list, at the Name field. (The Name field becomes inactive.)

    Withdrawal codes

    Click Search icon. to select the reference table you want users to reference when selecting values at this field.

    Withdrawal reasons

    Click Search icon. to select the reference table you want users to reference when selecting values at this field.

    Former school association on withdrawal

    Select this checkbox to create a former school association record when a student withdraws from a primary or secondary school. The record appears on the Student tab, Membership side-tab > Schools.

    On primary withdraw, withdraw from secondary

    If you select this checkbox, a cross-enrolled student who withdraws from a primary school will become inactive in all schools he or she is associated with.

    If you deselect this checkbox, a cross-enrolled student’s status changes to Active No Primary when he or she withdraws from a primary school but remains enrolled at a secondary school.


    • You specify the enrollment status code for cross-enrolled students who withdraw from their primary school in Student preferences.
    • Selecting this field will not automatically withdraw students from their secondary schools.

    Fields to copy from student to student withdrawal

    When a student withdraws from a school, you might want Aspen to retain some information from the Student record to the Student Enrollment Withdrawal record. First, enable a user-defined field on the Student Enrollment table in the Data Dictionary for each field on the Student record you want to copy. Then enter the fields here using the following syntax.

    Message box with syntax to use for withdrawal

    Change of status reasons

    Click Search icon. to select the reference table you want users to reference when selecting values at this field.

    Change of YOG reasons

    Click Search icon. to select the reference table you want users to reference when selecting values at this field.

    Student membership procedure

    A custom Student Membership procedure is necessary to use this preference. The procedure can be used for validation or to trigger an action after a specified event occurs in Aspen (such as when a student's enrollment status changes).

    Contact Aspen Technical Support to enter a service request for a custom procedure.

    Adjust enrollment dates of future dated records

    When you change a student's enrollment record and an enrollment record with a future date exists, enabling this preference causes Aspen to automatically change the date of the existing enrollment record to the date prior to the current date, so all enrollment records are in sequence.

    This preference can be used if your district uses the End-of-Year Rollover to:

    • Withdraw all students on the last day of school, and
    • Re-enroll (creates new entry records) all students for the beginning of the following school year with a future date.

    For example:

    • You use the End-of-Year Rollover to withdraw all students on the last day of school, June 30 (creates withdraw record).
    • When running the End-of-Year Rollover, you also re-enroll all students for the first day of the following school year (creates enrollment record with a future date of September 1).
    • A student moves out of your district on July 15, and you withdraw him from the district (withdrawal record dated July 15).
    • Aspen changes the existing September 1st enrollment record for the student to July 14.

    Family Member Registration

    Registration defaults

    Type the fields that you want copied to the new student from the existing family member when registering a new student as a family member.

    Related data to copy

    Identify the related data you want the system to copy from the student you select when registering a new family member (such as race or student contacts).

    Default relationship code

    Select the relationship code you want to default in the Relationship code field when registering a new family member.

    Sibling Search Criteria

    Note: These fields affect the student matches that Aspen makes and displays on a Student Pick List when a user registers a student with the Student Registration wizard and selects the New family member checkbox.

    Required fields

    Click Search icon. to select any required fields a user must enter when they select New family member in the Student Registration wizard. This limits the student matches that will appear on the Student pick list.

    Additional fields

    Click to select any required fields a user must enter when they select New family member. This limits the student matches that will appear on the Student pick list.

    Note: Aspen will search the database for student matches based on the information specified here, as well as the strict search criteria (last name, gender, and date of birth), if the Use strict search preference is selected.

    Student/School Associations

    Auto-create on transfer

    Select this checkbox if you want to associate students with their previous schools when they transfer to another school in your district.

    Allow push of students to secondary schools

    If you select this checkbox, your school will “push” a student’s record to another school in the district when a student cross-enrolls there.

    Allow pull of students into secondary schools

    If you select this checkbox, a secondary school in your district can “pull” a student’s record from your school into their school when a student cross-enrolls there. No intervention is needed by your school.

    Editable data for former students

    The prefixes that represent the tables of information that can be edited for former students appear. You can add to or delete from this list. Enter the tables a former school can edit for a former student (a student who transferred to another school within the district).

    Editable data for secondary students

    The prefixes that represent the tables of information that can be edited for secondary students appear. You can add to or delete from this list. Enter the tables a secondary school can edit for a secondary student (a student who attends another school, such as a vocational school for some classes).

    Editable data for transfer students Prefixes entered here represent tables of information that can be edited at the receiving school for incoming student transfers (for organizations that schedule student transfers). The defaults are the Student Schedule table, SSC, and the Student Program Participation table, PGM. With the exception of the tables defined here, future students' detail information is read-only at the receiving school until the transfer is completed.

    Editable student fields for next year's students

    Click Search icon. to see the Data Field Config Attribute pick list. Select the field(s) you want to allow school users to edit for their incoming students. These fields are from the Student table. Users must have the appropriate privileges to edit the field(s) specified here.

    Example: A high school clerk might need to edit the Next Homeroom field (on the student details page) for eighth-grade middle school students who will attend high school in the fall.

    Member Days

    Note: The checkboxes you select also affect student transfers between schools.

    Entry dates

    Select this checkbox if you want to include the date a student enrolls in a school in your district in member day calculation.

    Withdrawal dates

    Select this checkbox if you want to include the date a student withdraws from a school in your district in member day calculations.

    End of Year Rollover

    Create withdrawal/entry records for all students

    Select this checkbox to add a section to Step 3 of the End-of-Year Rollover wizard that allows users to create Withdrawal and Entry records for students who are staying in the same school next year, but are being promoted to the next grade level.

    For example, all ninth grade students might have a Withdrawal record in June from the high school, and an Entry record for 10th grade in September at the high school.

    Prevent editing enrollment dates

    Select this checkbox if you do not want users to be able to edit the dates that default in the Withdrawal and Entry date fields in the Withdraw and enroll students not changing schools area of Step 3 of the End-of-Year Rollover. This area appears if you select the Create withdrawal/entry records for all students checkbox above.

    Warning: Do not select this checkbox if your state reports are configured to report entry and withdrawal records for returning students.

  1. Click the Advanced sub-tab.
  2. Membership preferences, Advanced sub-tab

  1. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
  2. Field


    Student Waiting Lists

    Current round

    Type the number of the current round of student waiting lists.

    Max entries per student and year

    Type the maximum number of entries each student is allowed per year.

    Read-only date range

    Click Select Date icon., and then select the date range for the waiting lists.

    Customization procedure

    Click Search icon., and then select a customization procedure for waiting lists.

    Student Programs

    Customization procedure

    Click Search icon., select a customization procedure for Student Programs, and click OK.

    Student Cases

    Default student case dictionary

    Click Search icon., select the default extended Data Dictionary to be used for student cases, and then click OK.

    Search procedure

    Click Search icon. to select a search procedure for student cases.

    School Assignment

    School choice fields

    Type the fields that default when a student or family member identifies their school choices.

    Show wait lists

    Select this checkbox to show wait lists.

    Show sibling school choices

    Select this checkbox to show sibling school choices.

    Student Case ID Number Generation

    Auto assign

    Select this checkbox to have Aspen automatically assign ID numbers to the student case workflows. To manually assign ID numbers, do not select this checkbox.

    Next value

    Type the amount by which the ID numbers are to increase.

    For example, if you set the Next value to 5 and the Increment to 5, the numbering sequence of the ID numbers will be: 5, 10, 15, 20,….


    Type the amount by which the ID numbers are to increase.


    Type the number of digits of the ID number. For example, for ID numbers of five digits (00000), type 5.


    Type the prefix to begin all ID numbers with. For example, for ID numbers beginning in 1, (10000, 10001, 10002), type 1.

  1. Click Save.