View reporting standards

If you enter standards scores for assignments in a subject or class, your district creates the rubrics, or reporting standards, for your classes.

To view the reporting standards your district creates for a class, or subject:

  1. Click the Gradebook tab.
  2. Select a class or subject, and click the Reporting Standards side-tab.
  3. For each standard, refer to the ColHdr column to see the column header name.
  4. This name appears on your Scores page when you enter scores.

    Note: Column header names often appear truncated on the Scores page, making it difficult to recognize which standard you are grading. To help, click the Quick Print icon  to print the list of reporting standards for each class section. That way, you have something to refer to when entering scores.

  1. If your district matches these reporting standards with learning standards, such as Common Core, or state learning standards, this information appears in the Standards column.
  1. Click a reporting standard's name to see all its details.
  1. If your students and their families use the Portals to track academic progress, you can select the Hide in Portal checkbox for a specific reporting standard. This keeps that standard and any associated scores from appearing in the portals.
  2. Click Save.

Once you are familiar with the reporting standards for your classes, you can begin to create assignments and align them with the appropriate standards.