Check your student daily attendance codes

When setting up automatic attendance records for suspensions, first you need to look at your Student Daily Attendance codes:

  1. Log on to the District view.
  2. Select Admin > Data DictionaryClosed organizes the tables and fields that house all of your district's administrative information > Reference. The list of reference tables appear.
  3. Find the Student Daily Attendance Codes reference table, and select the checkbox next to its name.
  4. On the Reference side-tab, click Codes. Any existing Student Daily Attendance Codes appear.
  1. See if you have an existing suspension code with an absent indicator already set, such as the following:
  1. If you do:
    • Write down this code, as you will need this information in the next procedure.
  2. If you don’t:
    • See if you have an A code with an absent indicator set and an S "Other Code" with no attendance indicator set. Make a note of these codes.
  1. Proceed to the next step, Link a Conduct Action Reference Code to Student Daily Attendance Code(s).